Andrew Baxter
Andrew Baxter, MSW RSW, has worked in school-based and community mental health for over 18 years. During his time with Alberta Health Services, he has provided direct treatment for students from K-12, as well as consultation for their families and teachers. Andrew currently serves as the Team Lead for mentalhealthliteracy.org and the Alberta Mental Health Literacy Project. In these roles, he has worked to promote school mental health literacy among students, educators, parents, and mental health professionals at provincial, national and international levels. Andrew has delivered mental health literacy training to over 20,000 educators and supported school leaders from across Alberta and beyond in implementing the mental health literacy approach in their school districts to better address youth mental health needs. Responding to the many requests from educators, Andrew coordinated the development of the Elementary Mental Health Literacy Resource suitable for students in grades 4 to 6 to complement the suite of resources developed for junior high and high school students. He is honored to be a member of the Indigenous Mental Health Literacy committee, supported through the Canadian Institute of Health Research. Andrew provides professional learning for educators through the University of British Columbia Faculty of Education Mental Health Institute and is an Adjunct Lecturer with the University of Calgary Department of Psychiatry.
Divinea’s early education was in the French Immersion school system of Montreal, Quebec. Along with enjoying the arts, entertainment and food scene that Montreal has to offer, she also continued her post secondary education, graduating with distinction with a B.A. in Psychology from Concordia University. Divinea has worked within executive support roles for many years in Montreal, Vancouver and finally settling in Calgary within Alberta Health Services and Recovery Alberta. Divinea has specifically worked as the Project Assistant for the Mental Health Literacy Project since 2016, supporting our ever growing amount of requests, needs, and projects. She is also MHL’s first point of contact; responding to all email requests, arranging meetings, and setting up MHL sessions locally and beyond. Having raised four children of her own and experiencing all that the developing years entail, Divinea recognizes the importance of providing and supporting mental health education in schools, to caregivers, and in communities in order to increase mental health awareness, mental health knowledge, reduce stigma, and increase the probability of early effective outcomes.